Swallows Nest

Swallows Nest

Swallows Nest child

This is Feng Feng, one of the girls under the care of the folks at Swallows Nest. The monthly support we send them helps to provide her with the food, clothes, and care she needs. There are other children there who also need help. Read on to find out more about them and how you can help.

Swallows Nest was founded to help orphaned and special-needs children in China, specifically in Zhengzhou, Henan Province. They operate two homes where they care for these children, and they work closely with the authorities in China to advocate for the adoption of these precious children. To date, more than 80 children from Swallows Nest have been adopted. (They’re not an adoption agency, so the children at their centers may appear on the list of any agency licensed to work with China.)

You can help these children by donating directly to Swallows Nest, or you can send money to us for them. As long as items sent to us are marked as being for Swallows Nest, we’ll be sure to send the full amount to help support their work.

Here’s a list of the items they need on an ongoing basis as they care for these children:

Items Needed

Items NeededNotes
Cough, cold, and fever medicinesFor infants and young children
Creams and lotions for dry skinEucerin cream has been effective
Diaper rash cream and powder(No specifications)
Medicines for diarrhea and constipation“Little Tummy” brand has been effective
Antibiotic ointmentsBactroban infants brand has been effective
Vitamin drops(No specifications)
Gently-used clothing and blanketsSizes preemie–3T